// Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic //
// Arthur C Clarke
Splash & Ripple make experiences that transport people from their normal everyday lives to an extraordinary space where they can play with new ways of thinking, feeling and being. The most important ingredients we use to do this are audience agency, interactivity and embodiment. Discover our approach below.
Our mission is to make beautiful, genuinely moving experiences that put the participants at the centre of the action using different combinations of theatre, game mechanics and screenless digital technology. We’ve been doing this for both arts and heritage organisations since 2011.
// Feeling
Splash & Ripple tell stories to people through creating lived experiences. Since Rosie and Mark founded the company, the key first question with any project or quest has always been, “How do we want our audience to feel when they go home?” This way, our audiences always end up where we want them to be.
// Story
This question naturally evolved into the next question. “How do we create space for people to explore how they feel about this story?” We’re interested in what people bring with them, and in what they’ve yet to discover about themselves and other people. Our focus is in holding a space for safe exploration.
// Magic
Digital tech is only one of the many colours on our palette. We follow a ‘Simple is Best’ mantra. If we can make an experience using no tech at all, we will. Often, we find that technology, used cleverly, enables a sprinkling of unexpected magic to turn a fun experience into a really special one.